Manager’s Message ( 2023-24 )

Education has always been seen as a great mission, a very sublime mission. In the Indian Context, imparting education is considered as the greatest gift, school is an effective agent in promoting, integral formation of the child in the Gospel values of peace, justice, equality, love, brotherhood and freedom. St John’s Senior Secondary School Khera Khurd aims to educate, empower and enlighten the young minds. We provide a platform for our children to showcase their talents and discover new facets of their personality. I can sincerely vouch that we at St. John’s Senior Secondary School Khera Khurd, are committed to the moral, spiritual, intellectual, physical, aesthetic, and social development of the young minds, while forming the pupils sound character, scientific temper, and commitment to the society and the nation. The aim behind all our co-curricular and academic activities is not only to enrich knowledge but to provide the environment for young minds to face the world outside.

St. John’s ‘Kids World’ speak volumes about our discipline, care and concern for the little ones. Constant motherly efforts of the staff make their pure and small hearts flutter with noble thoughts, sublime inspirations and actively help them in growing tall, strong and smart.

Our school is growing in all the aspects, two batches of class XII have passed out of our institution and our students have received admissions in various prestigious colleges in India. They fulfill our dreams to enable them to seek better horizons, they gallop to compete and win in this ever changing and fast growing world.

I take this opportunity to thank each one of you dear parents for your collaboration and support rendered to this institution till today and hope you will continue to do so. Dear parents you need to spend quality time with your children. They long for your lively presence, gentle touch, confirming hug, promising words and exemplary life. Negligence on your part will result in bad company, negative influences, aggressive behavior, destructive nature and revenge. However busy you may be, remember that your true wealth is your child. Therefore find time for your child, spend time with him/her. Time cannot be bought it has to be sought. May the joint efforts of the School, parents and children bring forth abundance of blessings. May God bless each one of us.

Bro. Joseph Mankulathil Francis