Our School Patron

Saint John Berchmans (March 13, 1599 – August 13, 1621) was a Jesuit seminarian and is a saint in the Roman Catholic Church. He was born in the city of Diestnature. He was kind, gentle, and affectionate towards his parents and a favorite with his playmates during his childhood. He was brave and open, attractive in manner, and with a bright, joyful disposition. Still, when John was seven years of age, M. Emmerick, his parish priest, already remarked that the Lord would work wonders in the soul of the child. What distinguished John Berchmans the most from his companions was his piety. When he was barely seven years old, he already had the habit of rising early and serve two or three Masses with the greatest fervor. On Fridays, at nightfall; he would go out barefoot and make the Way of the Cross in the town. Such fervent piety won him the grace of a religious vocation. He is our heavenly patron and his motto is : “to pay attention to the slightest inspiration from God”. John also was remarkable for his charity towards others, for his cheerfulness and modesty.